Dating as a Millennial, the options

Dating as a Millennial; Is Dating Dead and Who is to Blame?

Gabriella Leone
5 min readAug 3, 2018

Breaking up sucks yet dating may suck even more, especially if you are new to it. This an excerpt of my book Dating After a Decade, a story that dives into the up’s and down’s of getting back in ‘the game’ after being out of it for 10 years.

Last year, this time, I was planning the rest of my life with my boyfriend of almost 11 years. Flash forward, a year later, and I’m single, trying to wrap my mind around the dating scene, or I should say the hookup scene.

When I became single most of my friends pushed me to create dating profiles for different dating apps and websites, they taught me how to text a guy (never call), and explained all the different terminology like ghosting, bench-warming, love-bombing, and more. I was also told, time over and over, that “dating has died” and that I needed “to adapt” and “toughen up” to how things are now.

For almost 11 years I lived in a little love bubble where I only heard horror stories of dating. Now that my bubble has popped, and I am living in the world of hookup culture, I sometimes feel like I am visiting another dimension on this planet.

Convenience, Instant-Gratification, and Artificial Feelings

Dating Then Vs Now



Gabriella Leone

I simplify technical terms creatively for a living and write stories about dystopian societies for fun. I’m also a millennial writing about millennials.